Azazel kleynkunst theater, fourth program
It was a big deal for me to find this program from the Azazel kleynkunst theater (or as they call it here, "The first Jewish Miniature Theater Azazel"). Why? Because it actually cites the Azazel Shimmy, which I have been looking for unsuccessfully for almost a year. UPDATE: the song was recorded by Henry Gold's Orchester as "Azazel" Schimmy (5119, 17918) the flip side being "Kadisch" Schimmy (5119, 17922).
The "Bagel Monologue" is also supposedly very famous but I have not found an existing copy of it anywhere. It's possible this is the same as Isaak Feld's "Beigel! Beigel" recorded on Syrena Grand Records (5252, 20032), flip side being "Amisteik" (A mistake) "Couplet from Kleiner Milioner"
The document is undated but must predate 1928, as the troupe had broken up by then.
Here's what the program says (I filled in some of the names from just initials). Feel free to make corrections in the comments:
Director A. Tselmeyster Jr.
Program Number Four
First Jewish
Miniature Theater
Artistic director: David Herman (Dovid Herman)
Music director: Henekh Kon (Henech Kon)
Decorative director: I. Shlivniak (Józef Śliwniak)
Business manager: I. Dantsiger
First act (first part)
1. Tsipele: by Moshe Broderson, music by I. Glatshteyn - sung by Ola Lilith
2. An apple with wine: Folksong - sung by Ola Lilith
3. By the gates of heaven: revue by David Herman and Moyshe Nudelman (Nodelman); set design by H. Goldshlak.
Heaven's gatekeeper: Moyshe Potashinski
Hell's gatekeeper: Willy Godik
Angel Shuftial? - I. Mansdorf
Satan - Yosef Strugatsh
Miss Vazelina - Ola Lilith
Doctor Rich - N. Melnik
Cantor Sirota - Volfavitsh
H. D. Nomberg: Hersh Poznanski
Devil: Goldhirsh
4. Tsip-Tsapekl: a marionette play, set design by I. Likhtenshtein.
Mrs. Goldshtein and I. Strugatsh
5. Bagel Monologue by M. Nodelman (Moyshe Nudelman): performed by V. Godik
6. "Jewish Poland" Marionette Play
(Goldhirsh, Palash, Golshteyn, Melnik, Potashinski, Mansdorf)
Created by Theo Artsishevska [aka Totshe Artsishevski, Tea Arciszewska], set design I. Shlivniak
Costumes for the project designed by H. Goldshlak
Second Act
7. Cantor from Chelm - adapted by Henech Kon, set design Władysław Weintraub (Veyntroyb), performed by Strugatsh and ensemble.
8. Azazel Shimmy - Words by Moshe Broderson, Music by Henech Kon, sung by Ola Lilith
9. A bench at the Krashinski Garden - by the Tunkeler, scenery V. Veyntroyb, performed by Poznanski, N. Melnik, Mansdorf and Potashinski
10. Klezmer courtyard - by M. Broderzon, adapted by H. Kon, scenery V. Veyntroyb, performed by Ola Lilith and Wladyslaw Godik.
11. "American Uncle" - sketch. Text by Alter Katsizne (Kacizne). Music, H. Kon, scenery I. Likhtenshteyn, performed by Ola Lilith, Goldhirsh, I. Strugatsh.
Master of ceremonies: Vladislav Godik (Władysław Godik)
Inspitsient(?) I. Mansdorf. Costumes made by Maria Lipska. Charakterizator: G. Rotshteyn. Stage master: A. Tenenbaum.

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