Vilne, Vilne - a song of old Vilna.

Vilna was known by Jews as the "Jerusalem of Lithuania" and there were some who thought Jerusalem should have the goal of someday coming up to Vilna's standard. For many generations it was the center of Jewish cultural and intellectual life. This nostalgic song, written before the second World War, was an anthem during and after the holocaust. I sang it Sunday when Ellen Cassedy gave a talk on her book "We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust" and so I present the sheet music to you here:
There is a lovely version you can hear for free at save the music: Vilne, Vilne by Adrienne Cooper, Zalman Mlotek and The New Yiddish Chorale
Vilne, shtot fun gayst un tmimes Vilne, yidishlekh fartrakht, Vu es murmlen shtile tfiles, Shtile soydes fun der nakht. Oft mol ze ikh dir in kholem, Heys-gelibte vilne mayn, Un di alte vilner geto In a nepldikn shayn. Vilne, vilne, undzer heymshtot, Undzer benkshaft un bager. Akh, vi oft es ruft dayn nomen Fun mayn oyg aroys a trer. Vilner geslekh, vilner taykhn, Vilner velder, barg un tol. Epes noyet, epes benkt zikh Nokh di tsaytn fun amol. ´Kh ze dem veldele zakreter In zayn shotn ayngehilt, Vu geheym es hobn lerer Undzer visndursht geshtilt. Vilne hot dem ershtn fodem Fun der frayheyts-fon gevebt Un di libe kinder ire mit a tsartn gayst balebt. Vilne, vilne, undzer heymshtot, Undzer benkshaft un bager. Akh, vi oft es ruft dayn nomen Fun mayn oyg aroys a trer. Vilner geslekh, vilner taykhn, Vilner velder, barg un tol. Epes noyet, epes benkt zikh Nokh di tsaytn fun amol. | Vilna, city of spirit and innocence. Vilna, conceived in Jewish ways, where soft prayers are murmured, soft nocturnal secrets. I often see you in my dreams, my dearly beloved Vilna, and the old Vilna ghetto in a foggy glow. Vilna, Vilna, our hometown, our longing and desire. Ah, how often your name brings a tear to my eye! Vilna streets, Vilna rivers, Vilna forests, mountains and valleys. Something gnaws at me, makes me yearn for the days of long ago. I see the Zakret forest, enveloped in its shadows, where teachers secretly slaked our thirst for knowledge. Vilna sewed the first thread in our flag of freedom and inspired its children with a gentle spirit. Vilna, Vilna, our hometown, our longing and desire. How often your name brings a tear to my eye! Vilna streets, Vilna rivers, Vilna forests, mountains and valleys. Something gnaws at me, makes me yearn for the days of long ago. |
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