Dem milshteyns faygn: my Yiddish words to an old and beautiful folksong, Stets in trauer

... It's taken me most of my life to figure out how to enjoy throwing my hat in the ring for something like this (if there IS anything else like an imitation "American Idol" for songs in Yiddish, happening in Mexico City). I hate competition but have finally figured out I can enjoy the preparation and the creation of the entry independent of any outcome.
Here is the video:

I first heard this song in fourth grade from our music teacher, Mrs Altshuler, who visited my class once a week. (The other song I learned from her which I still remember: The Golden Vanity.) Anyway, she (or somebody else) had written English words to this sad song about how women wait patiently loving their men, who are bums. I heard it again a few years ago (there are many versions on youtube) and was driven to write my own Yiddish words to it. I've been this person in my life, unfortunately, but I'm better now!
The pianist, Roger Lynn Spears, doesn't like to be seen on camera, which makes filming these problematic. I'm experimenting with lip synching.
Since the Zhelonek project is mostly completed, I've moved on to examining, investigating, and perhaps recording songs from an earlier era, found in a big box of Yiddish broadsides (song sheets) housed at Hebrew Union College. If that interests you follow the progress at Yiddish Penny Songs.
Labels: battle between the sexes, love, nostalgia
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